Saturday, February 25, 2006

Stork Market - book review

The Stork Market
How making babies has become a $3 billion industry -- and an unregulated mess.

The Washington Post reviews this new book which discusses the Commerce of Conception.

Monday, February 20, 2006

frozen embryos

What to do with frozen embryos

"THE number of frozen human embryos stored in Australia and New Zealand has quadrupled over the past decade and for the first time exceeds 100,000, statistics show.

Although many of them are used promptly by couples taking in vitro fertilisation treatment, IVF experts are concerned that a growing number are in long-term storage with no plan for their use."

Social Sex Selection Study

"Most people would not choose the sex of their child if given the option, according to a new nationwide survey. The study is the first to examine the demand and preferences for sex selection among the U.S. general population."

From New Medical Net